I became a Buyer on TRE in April 2009 with the specific commitment to refrain from bidding for 60 days. I wanted to watch the activity and get comfortable with the process before actually participating in TRE auctions.
As readers of this blog will know, I did get comfortable with the process and, after my 60-day “hide and watch” period, I did become an active Buyer.
My bet was still almost fully hedged, though.
It was clear that becoming more seriously committed to the TRE process required a judgment that the Exchange was likely to capture sufficient transaction volume and process/product credibility to sustain itself as a going-concern.
Since I began buying in June of 2009, several things have happened:
1) My experience as a Buyer has been successful,
2) Exchange volume is running at roughly 7 times its pace of 18 months ago,
3) TRE has attracted significant and credible new financial banking, and
4) The Corporate auction program, which I wrote about in my last post, appears likely to provide an additional revenue stream, giving the Exchange another leg-up towards break-even.
On the basis of those developments it now seems that the odds favor the long-term survival and success of the Exchange.
On that basis my associates and I have just taken off a part of our hedge.
We have formed and funded a new company to pursue an expanded commitment to investment in TRE-posted auctions.
That’s a big step for us and a significant commitment to the notion that there IS a long-term and significant role for TRE in the receivables-finance market.
It’s not a complete lifting of the hedge, however.
The Exchange volume is still short of that required to support either itself or an infrastructure of fully-committed participants.
And the buy and sell interests are still not balanced enough to avoid periods when prices get pushed – in either direction -- beyond what I’d consider rational given the level of risk.
Over the summer we saw yields to Buyers spike for a couple of months. Since the end of August the pricing has moved decidedly in favor of Sellers. Neither extreme has been driven by quality, in my opinion. I think it’s much more likely that, in both cases, the driver has been a supply-demand imbalance.
Short term swings in pricing power are just a fact of life in a market with a growth curve like that of TRE. New money entering a market like TRE is “lumpy”. And the pace of new Seller adoption is unpredictable.
In the short term there will be days that are good for Buyers and days that are good for Sellers.
Our bet is that, over time, a reasonable balance will be found. That, on average, Buyers will be compensated reasonably and Sellers will find fair value in the price/service proposition offered by TRE.
Have we gone “all in”?
No. It’s still too soon for that, in my view.
But our bet is long(er) than it was last week. And we’re comfortable with that.
One step at a time.
It's About Time!
14 years ago
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